After a facscinating month on the return drive through Central America, Fred joins Carolyn at their home in San Diego. Boy, it’s great to have Fred home. Bentley still remembers his “mom” and is in good spirits to be reunited with her (even if she did put his bed through the washer and dryer!) There … Continue reading “Fred and Bentley are HOME!!!”
Limestone in Honduras
Back to Honduras for a moment. Much of Honduras is made of limestone. The roads are often carved through pure pockets of limestone. The local business take advantage of this in a unique way. They have polished the walls alongside of the road and covered the limestone in advertisments. This sort of thing happens a … Continue reading “Limestone in Honduras”
It Took A Village
I left Antigua early Sunday morning and headed for the Mexican border. I left on Sunday morning because I’d read that while they’ve got temporary repairs on all the damage they are closing the road for most of Monday to make more permanant repairs. It’s slow going due to twisty mountain roads but it’s quite … Continue reading “It Took A Village”
Guatemala City
I’d been told enough stories about the horrors of driving (or being for that matter) in Guatemala City that my plan was to immediately hire a taxi to lead the way across the city and for me to follow in the Landcruiser. It didn’t work out that way. Guatemala City was actually a lot nicer … Continue reading “Guatemala City”
Why Things Go Wrong At Borders- Reason 32
The primary way we’ve had trouble crossing the borders is due to incorrect paperwork. What happens is at one border someone fills out something incorrectly or neglects to fill out something. Sometimes this is done on purpose. The problem arrises when you reach the next border crossing and they discover the ‘problem’. I had an … Continue reading “Why Things Go Wrong At Borders- Reason 32”
Lake Yojoa and Copan-Honduras
After the relatively smooth crossing into Honduras I drove about 1 km and was stopped by the police. All in all I was stopped five times before reaching Lake Yojoa. My plan had been to drive to San Pedro Sula in the far North of Honduras and failing that to stop at Santa Barbara. These … Continue reading “Lake Yojoa and Copan-Honduras”
Honduras – Nicaragua Border Crossing
I’ve not been looking forward to this border crossing. My paper work says I’m to leave the country at El Espino. I chose that location because that’s were Carolyn and I crossed on the way down (the devil you know) and because of Roberto. Roberto has a small Bed and Breakfast place in Honduras near … Continue reading “Honduras – Nicaragua Border Crossing”
Reality Check
I’m sure this isn’t news but there are a lot of poor people in Central America. There is trash, dog shit and other such things not too far from the nicest places. I’m pointing this out so as to not give a completely distorted view of these countries. Actually many of the times I’m most … Continue reading “Reality Check”
Food In Granada
We found the food in Costa Rica to be good and inexpensive, in the rest of Central America it’s downright cheap. In most places the selection is limited (fish at the coast, beef in the mountains, fruit and rice everywhere). Granada has more variety than most; french, italian and tourist-california are common. I had a … Continue reading “Food In Granada”
Granada Street Life
Granada is definitely worth a visit. I’ve been spending quite a bit of time sitting on the sidewalk in front of my little house. This is common behavior, all the neighbors spend time out here. And there is constant traffic passing by and stopping to talk. I’m out here with Bentley and he attracts lots … Continue reading “Granada Street Life”